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Get Involved!

Combat Cody at Combat Cookies

Combat Cookies embarked on this new, exciting journey with the desire to give back and make a difference. Combat Cookies is a small nonprofit, any and all support is incredibly valuable and appreciated. Your donations and volunteering are what keeps us sending cookies to those who deserve the extra comfort of home. There are so many people we have already helped, but as we continue to grow, we want to reach out and offer you the chance to be part of something truly great. You can become involved in our mission by choosing one or more of the following paths.

Create cards or letters for us to send in the cookie boxes. This is a great project for school classrooms.  

wish list

Find an item to donate to us directly from our Amazon Wish List or Local Drop Off. These items help us in our daily baking operations.     Click on one of the buttons below.

ORGANIZE A fundraiser

Host your own fundraiser to raise money  and awareness for our mission. 

Sponsor a military member to receive a box of Combat Cookies. 


send cards




Reporting for duty! Volunteer in person at our bakery or to assist at one or more of our events.

At this time, we do not have a strong need for volunteers inside of our bakery, but we are in need of volunteers at our events. You may still submit your name to us for working inside of the bakery and we will add you to our list to contact you when a slot becomes available. 

Some tasks that are performed inside of our bakery include: 

  • Mix Ingredients

  • Scoop Cookies

  • Bake Cookies

  • Package and Seal Cookies

  • Assemble Shipping Boxes

  • General Cleaning

Some outreach events that we have participated in are car shows, motorcycle rides, service organizations (i.e. – 40 & 8 Bingo), Honor Flight Welcome Home, Dayton Summer Recreation Ballgames, Tree Top Market events, Tractor Supply and Lafayette Aviators Street fest.

If you are looking to help us at a event, some tasks that you will perform are:

  • Setting up and tearing down a tent, table or trailer

  • Lifting and carrying equipment

  • Speaking with the public about our organization

  • Tracking and organizing details of the event

What can you expect while volunteering with us? We will do our best to ensure your volunteer experience is enjoyable, meaningful, and rewarding. Below are some guidelines for volunteering with us:

  • You may volunteer as an individual or as a small group. Based on the needs and space inside the bakery, we are limiting our volunteer team members to 3 people at a time. 2 volunteers are ideal for most all events.

  • Volunteer times inside the bakery are typically Wednesdays sometime between 9am-2pm. A typical shift is about 3 hours. Days and times for volunteering for events vary, depending on the event.

  • We cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment. Please be aware that we ship, store, and handle peanuts at our facility.

  • Volunteers must be 10 years of age or older and supervised by their parent/guardian at all times while volunteering.

  • Contact us for your volunteer application.



Create cards, letters or artwork that we will include in our cookie boxes to our service members. Please note that all letters will be read prior to being put into the cookie boxes. Our military has frequently commented that their favorite cards are those that are hand drawn from little kids, but we will accept cards/letters from anyone. 

-Host a gathering for people and/or kids to create their artwork

-Great idea for school classrooms, clubs or organizations

Guidelines for cards/letters:

-A plain piece of paper and some creativity is really all you need for this fun project.

-Please refrain from using branch specific titles (Soldier, Airman, Sailor, etc) so that we can send the cards to anyone

-Please refrain from using any glitter (glitter inside of a food establishment is a nuisance)

-Patriotic theme preferred so that we can use them anytime of the year. Please refrain from gearing drawings toward certain holidays (Valentine's Day, Christmas, St Patrick's Day, etc)

-Can be drawn on a blank piece of paper, a printed design on paper, or a manufactured notecard (no boundaries). If you choose to print out any design and color, please include a hand written personal message on the paper for our troops to read. They truly enjoy seeing the personalities of kids.

-Please do not add religious messages. As much as we are a fan of God, some countries are not, and the packages could be returned if the messages are seen. Sorry! 

-Have fun!! 

Below are some designs that you can print and color. REMINDER: If you choose to print out any design and color, please include a hand written personal message on the paper for our troops to read. They truly enjoy seeing the personalities of kids. 

You can bring or send your cards/letters to us at 294 Market St #222, Dayton, IN 47941. If we are not physically there, you can leave them in a plastic shopping bag on our side door. 

Kids Letters
Kids Letters
Kids Letters
Kids Letters



Fundraisers are a great idea for school group projects, church community projects, college fraternity/sorority philanthropy projects or anyone with a desire to put volunteer service before themselves. Take advantage of an incredible opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our military members. Join Combat Cookies in our mission by raising funds, spreading awareness and contributing to a truly important cause. Here are some ideas to help you and your group decide what fundraising opportunity is best for you in order to benefit Combat Cookies. Contact us to let us know about your fundraising event. 

Garage Sale

Know all that stuff that’s been hanging out in your garage…in your attic…in your basement? Gather it up and ask your friends to do the same. Put it in your front yard and sell, sell, sell! Put all the money raised toward your fundraiser! Put up a sign  and mention that the proceeds of the sale are for charity.

Host a Home Product Party

Host a Pampered Chef or other Home Sales products fundraiser show, either a home show or a catalog/facebook show, and ask for up to 20% of sales.

Email Blasts

Ask everyone and every company you know if they can do an email blast for you.

Extra Change From my Pocket

Create these little boxes for your friends and family and have them place it on their dresser. At the end of the day they can drop spare change in the box. At the end of your campaign,  Gather the boxes and count the dough!

Ask your Local Restaurants to Place a Money Jar at the Front of the Restaurant

Check with the restaurant manager. They may be willing to place the jar in a high traffic area so lots of patrons can see it.

Theme Party/Dinner

Hold a theme party for 10 (or more) of your friends. Donation: $50 per person. Spend no more than $20 per person on the food and you’ll have $300 (or more) in donations by the end of the night.

Host a Movie Party at Your House

Pick out a new movie to rent, make popcorn, pick up some soda and invite your friends and family over for movie night. Of course have your  fundraising page open and ready to click.

Birthday Gift Pledge

Ask for donations for your for your birthday rather than gifts.  This is a very simple way to raise money and it will be a lot easier for your friends and family to write a check instead of spending hours trying to shop for you! Post it on Facebook.

Creative Friends

Find a local artist or ask a creative friend if they would donate a piece of art or some jewelry that you can auction off.

Jars Everywhere

Ask everyone you do business with or places you frequent to have a donation jar to collect for you for a certain period of time.

Christmas Tree Ornaments and Other Crafts

Get creative (and ask some friends to pitch in) and make some Christmas/holiday ornaments for the holiday season. Sell them at a local bazaar or fair.


Get your kids involved in this weekend activity. Check ahead of time with all your neighbors and ask them if you can mow their lawn for a donation.

Errand Person

Offer to be your friends and coworkers personal assistant for a day (or maybe for just a few hours) in exchange for a donation.

Garden Tour

Check with a local historical society to see if they would sponsor a garden tour of one or several homes in your area. Promote the event in local newspapers.

Meet the Press

Does your company distribute a newsletter? Does your company have interoffice e-mail? Take advantage of these! It’s a perfect way to get the word out.


Offer up your services and let your friends have a nice, quiet night out of the house in exchange for a donation!

Pet sit

Are your neighbors going away and they don’t want to leave “Spot” at the boarding facility? Again, offer up your services and charge them what they would have paid at the facility!

House sit

Friends going out of town for awhile? Maybe they need a warm body to stay in their place in their absence! 

Game Night with a cover charge

Get out those board games and start playing! Break into teams and let the fun begin.

Bowling Nights

Plan a fun night of bowling at your local lanes. Ask the owner to waive the cost of bowling and you can collect that money and turn it into pledges.

Church Bulletin

Place an advertisement in your Church bulletin letting the congregation know what you’re up to!

Is There a Teacher in the House?

Get your students to help you fundraise. Kids are incredibly creative and cute, too!

Other Parents

If your kids play on soccer leagues or any other sports teams distribute your fundraising information to the other parents at the event.

It’s Football Season!

And that means it’s a perfect time to get some football parties going! And what’s a football party without a football pool? Of course, all the proceeds will go toward our fund.

Universities and Colleges

Contact your local schools and ask if you can put an advertisement in their school newsletter asking for donations. Some of the organizations may even invite you to make a short presentation.

Fraternities and Sororities

Contact the National Chapter of your college Fraternity or Sorority and ask them to make a donation.

Alumni Organizations

Call your own college or university and ask them to place an ad in the alumni newsletter asking for donations.

Your Own Personal Friend Matching Gift

Ask a friend if they can investigate getting their company to match pledges. If they donate $500 or more, we will  put their Company website on our website for the world to see.

Corporate Sponsorship

Identify one or several large companies and contact them directly. They may be willing to sponsor you completely. If they donate $500 or more. we will put their Company website on our website for the world to see.

Fundraiser ideas compliments of


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501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

EIN 82-3848526

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294 Market St #222

Dayton, IN 47941

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